Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Party Time!!
Time: 7.30-900am
Venue: Classroom 4.2
1) Tissue - Venson
2) Drinks - Coke x 2 (Terrel)
- Green Tea x 1 (Fred)
3) Ice cream x 1 - (Jarell)
4) Cones - Ms Guo
5) Bowls - (Gladys)
6) Tidbits - (Siti & Venson & Ely)
7) Cooked food - (Sharmine)
8) Fried rice - (Kay)
9) Spoons - (Venson)
10) Plates - (Yifang)
11) Cups - ??
12) Sushi rolls - (Rachel)
13) Marshmellows - (Suganthi)
14) Crackers & popcicles (Sharmila)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Let's Make Our World The Most Beautiful Home
I recently caught this ad on television and I liked it quite a lot. I feel that the message this ad brings across is not only about keeping Singapore clean and green, but also, being gracious and thoughtful to the people and our environment. We, being responsible for our lives and others', need to play our part!
Let's make our world the most beautiful home, 4.2~!
By being the kindest, most beautiful rainbows of them all! =D
Sunday, September 27, 2009
T4W3 Spelling (2 October 2009)
2) Butterflies in her stomach
3) Bolted
4) Gasped
5) Announcement
6) Flushed with excitement
7) Rival
8) Expertise
9) Moved in unison
10) Achievement
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Recycling Collection
Newspaper, magazines, rough paper, cardboard, cardboard boxes
Plastic water bottles (dry)
Aluminium drink cans

Extracted from
What's the problem?
The world population is increasing in an alarming rate. There will be less resources for each person in the future. The world has a fixed amount of natural resources. In fact, some are already used up. The situation will become worse.
Do we intend to allow our children and grandchildren from the future to enjoy clean air, clean water and fuel sources and soil?
“According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the world population is expanding at a mind-boggling rate. The world reached 1 billion people in 1800; 2 billion by 1922; and over 6 billion by 2000. It is estimated that the population will swell to over 9 billion by 2050. That means that if the world’s natural resources were evenly distributed, people in 2050 will only have 25% of the resources per capita that people in 1950 had.”
The threat!
Some of the greatest threats to future resources come from things we throw away everyday.
Throwing away items that could be recycled reduces energy, water and natural resources that could be saved by recycling.
Did you know...
• For every ton of paper that is recycled, the following is saved: 7,000 gallons of water; 380 gallons of oil; and enough electricity to power an average house for six months.
• You can run a TV for six hours on the amount of electricity that is saved by recycling one aluminum can.
• By recycling just one glass bottle, you save enough electricity to power a 100-watt bulb for four hours.
Monday, September 21, 2009
T4W2 Spelling (24 September 2009)
2) Celebrate
3) Slouching
4) Disease
5) Uncontrollably
6) Infectious
7) Anaemic
8) Destroying
9) Wheezing
10) Filtered
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
English Spelling 17 September 2009
2) Artificial
3) Posture
4) Dispensary
5) Optician
6) Ophthalmologist
7) Distributed
8) Expel
9) Skeletal
10) Portable
Friday, September 11, 2009
Temperature Taking Exercise ( 14 September 2009)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I hope you are enjoying your holidays. I have seen some of your comics. They are very interesting! However, most of you have not completed your comics. Do complete it by the end of the holidays. =D
I have an excellent example about the 'Dangers of Cyber Contacts' from Abrar! (*Although there are a few spelling mistakes.. o_O but good effort! =D)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Be Yourself Day!! =D (31 August 2009)

Here are some fun activities for Teachers'/Be Yourself Day!
1) Colourful photo frames sold at $1 each during recess at the Skylite Cafe. Proceeds collected will be donated to Charity.
2) Use your own markers or pens to dedicate a message on the noticeboard at Skylite Cafe to the teachers.
3) BE YOURSELF DAY! to dress up and bring extra cash for donation on 31st Aug (Mon).
5) You can also post your Teachers' Day Dedications online at http://teachersday.sg/
For more information, you can refer to the posters found at the Skylite Cafe
Monday, August 24, 2009
English Spelling: 28 August 2009
2) Circulates
3) Consequence
4) Curious
5) Excess
6) Gymnasts
7) Relaxing
8) Saliva
9) Straight
10) Tongue
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Journal Writing: T3W6
Nowadays, we are exposed to the exciting world of the Internet. We are able to search for information or even chat with friends at the click of a mouse. At times, we are required to key in their personal information and we might not even be aware of the dangers of doing it. This is Elean’s encounter with one of her cyber contacts.
Elean was a 10 years old girl. She loved chatting with friends and enjoyed knowing new friends online through various social network platforms. One day, there was a boy named Roy who initiated a chat with Elean. As Elean was bored at home, she decided to add him to her friends’ list and both started chatting with each other. After about 10 minutes, Elean began to share her personal information to Roy. She even sent a photograph of herself to Roy.
Soon, Roy requested to meet up with Elean. Even though Elean knew nothing about Roy, she agreed. Just then, her parents came home and found out that Elean was going to meet up with an online friend, one whom she had never seen him before. Her parents stopped her and highlighted the dangers of meeting with a stranger for a young girl like her.”
What about you? Share with us your story. You may use the following questions to help in your reflection.
1) What your experiences on online activities?
2) Have you ever revealed your personal information online?
3) What form of personal information can and cannot be shared online?
4) What are the dangers of sharing personal information?
5) What would you do if your Cyber pal requested for personal information to be shared?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Journal Writing: T3W5
Have you ever feel uncomfortable, weird, scared, confused or guilty about the content you see online? Here's my story:
Many years ago, when I was surfing the Internet for information on my project, I chanced upon a website with the following caption. - “LOSE WEIGHT FAST- 10 KILOGRAMS in 3 DAYS.”
The website provided 10 easy steps for ladies like me to lose weight. Though I found it a little unbelievable, I was tempted to give it a try. Just when I was engrossed in reading and understanding how to go around losing weight in the fastest way, my mother came into my room. She saw the content on the website and asked, “You are not going to follow the steps, aren’t you? How can you go without food for so many days? Is that the right way to lose weight?” I came to realize that I might even cause harm to myself. I have learnt that in order to lose weight, it is important to have a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
What about you?
- Have you ever seen anything online that made you afraid, uncomfortable or feel excited and yet guilty because you sensed that it was wrong?
- How would you discern if the content on the Internet is inappropriate?
- What should you do when the content on the Internet is inappropriate?
I hope to read your responses soon.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Science Spelling 1 (11 August 2009)
2) Roots
3) Stems
4) Flowers
5) Fruits
6) Leaf blade
7) Leaf stalk
8) Leaf veins
9) Chlorophyll
10) Light energy
11) Network veins
12) Parallel veins
Friday, July 24, 2009
Journal Writing: T3W4
'For the past few weeks, I have been playing a game called “Waka-Waka”on the facebook, an improvised version of Pac-man. I have always enjoyed playing Pac-man since I was young. Soon, I was addicted to the game unknowingly.Negative behaviours such as spending too much time on the game and possessing the urge to play the game soon surfaced. My ultimate goal is to be the first on the score board. However after about a week, I realised that something was amiss. I wasn’t spending enough time with my family members. I began to reflect on the purpose of playing the game and how it has affected my daily routine. I came to understand the importance of having a balanced lifestyle and spending time with my family members. Now, I'll only play the game if I've completed my work and limit myself to at most 30 minutes of gaming every day.'
Well, that's a very interesting story, don't you agree?
What about you? Are you addicted to the computer?
To help you write your reflection, I have listed some questions below:
1. How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?
2. Are you addicted to the computer? If 'yes', how do you become addicted to it? If 'no', how have you managed to remain unaddicted?
3. How has this addiction affect you daily life/routine? (If you're not addicted to the computer, you need not answer this question)
4. Is your school work affected by the time you spend on the computer? Elaborate.
5. What can you do to prevent Cyber Addiction?
6. What advice would you give to your friend who is addicted to computer games?
I hope to read your reflection soon. Start writing soon!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Magical Dust of Kindness

As we participate in the project, let us not forget our school values of “Self-Discipline”, “Passion”, “Integrity”, “Courage”, “Excellence” and “Sincerity”.
Use your sincerity and courage to recognize people who are kind with you as they use magic words on you.
Use your integrity and self-discipline to ensure that you follow the rules for the Lucky Dip and Lucky Draw.
Do not use ice-cream sticks that are not genuinely given to you for your kindness to participate in the Lucky Dip and Lucky Draw.
Let us use our passion to make kindness and graciousness the way of life in our school. Together, with excellence, we can make our project, “Magical Dust of Kindness” a success.
Question 1: What is the difference between the Lucky Dip and Lucky Draw?
Answer 1 :
For the Lucky Dip, pupils will draw a slip of paper from a bag to determine if they can get the gift when they hand over the required number of ice-cream sticks. The lucky winner will walk away with the gift on the spot.
For the Lucky Draw, pupils will be registered for the Lucky Draw when they hand over the required number of ice-cream sticks. The Lucky Draw will only be held during the School Assembly on Friday, 14 August 2009. The lucky winner of the Lucky Draw will walk away with the gift on 14 August 2009.
Question 2: When is the last day I can participate in the Lucky Dip and Lucky Draw Registration?
Answer 2:
The last day for the Lucky Dip and Lucky Draw Registration is Thursday, 13 August 2009.
Question 3: What can I do if I want to give out ice-cream sticks to Andersonians who use magic words on me but I have given out all my 9 ice-cream sticks?
Answer 3 :
You can give out those ice- cream sticks which you have collected from other Andersonians.
Question 4 : Who can answer my other questions about the project?
Answer 4:
You can either : (a) write your question on the piece of paper below and come back the next day to look for an answer the next day. (b)email your question to shavinyaa@vijay.com
Question 5 : What are the magic words pupils have to use?
Answer 5 :
The intent of this project is to promote kindness & graciousness through use of magic words which are kind words. So, there'll not be certain magic words that pupils can only use for the project.
Question 6: Do pupils have to give out ice-cream sticks according to the magic words stamped on the sticks?
Answer 6:
No. Pupils just have to give out any one ice cream stick.
Gift exchange will only start next Monday, 27 July.
For P3-P6, the gift exchange counter will be manned daily during their recesses. In addition, the counter will be manned on all Fridays, from 1.30 pm - 3.30 p,m
Monday, July 13, 2009
Mirror Coating
Do you remember the question Si Ting posed in class today? She said that the mirror was a little attracted to the table's metal rod? This is what I found out:
Research from here:
Glass mirrors are most often coated with non-toxic silver or aluminium, implemented by a series of coatings:
1) tin
2) silver
3) chemical activator
4) copper
5) paint
The tin is applied because silver will not bond with the glass. The activator causes the tin/silver to harden. Copper is added for long-term durability. The paint protects the coating on the back of the mirror from scratches and other accidental damage.
The mirrors we had in class had perhaps some magnetic material mixed in it. Therefore, our mirrors were attracted to the metal rods!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Start of Term 3
You have spent 1 week in school and have moved into your new seats.
I would like you to tell me what you think of the new term as well as your new neighbours and group.
I am looking forward to your responses! =D
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Olympic Spirit
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Temperature Taking
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Food from the Heart!
Tomorrow and Thursday, we will be organising a food drive for our school.
Do you remember what Mr Derek Tan said during assembly today about the importance of Sincerity and about giving to the less fortunate?
This is your chance to spread your love and generosity!
1) Donate what you can according to the list below.
2) Bring them tomorrow or Thursday.
3) Contribute a bit of your love through your beautiful and kind actions.
27th May 2009 to 28th May 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Week 7 Journal Writing : Influenza A H1N1

Week 7 Journal Writing : Influenza A H1N1
Hi Everyone,
We now have two cases of the Influenza A H1N1 in Malaysia. Will there be a case in Singapore? How much do you understand about this virus? For this week, I would like you to reflect on this topic. To help you, I will list some questions below:
1. What is Influenza A H1N1?
2. How does it spread?
3. Which countries in Asia have people with Influenza A H1N1?
4. How do countries try to prevent the spread of this disease?
5. Do you think the taking of temperature is effective in preventing Influenza A H1N1? Why?
6. What other preventive measures are being taken to combat the spread of this disease in Singapore?
7. What are you doing to prevent the spread of Influenza A H1N1 disease?
Friday, May 15, 2009
T2W6 Journal Writing : Classroom Cleanliness
Do you clean your classroom every day? For this week's journal writing, I would like you to reflect on your classroom cleanliness. To help you with this task, I will list some questions below:
1. Do you think your classroom is clean? Why/Why not?
2. Why do you think it is important to keep the classroom clean?
3. How do you keep your classroom clean every day?
4. Which classroom cleaning activity did you participate in? (sweeping the floor, emptying the basket, cleaning the whiteboard, etc)
5. What have you learnt from this activity?
6. What school values have you learnt from the classroom cleaning activity?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Area & Perimeter
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Human Body
T2W5 Journal Writing : Earth Day

Do you know that 22nd April is Earth Day? So what is Earth Day? If you want to know more, click on the pictures below

Read as much as you can about what people in other parts of the world do on that day. Then reflect on what Earth Day means to you.
Here are some questions to guide you:
1. Is Earth Day important to you? Why?
2. What do you understand by the phrase "save the Earth"?
3. Why do you think it is important to recycle, reuse and reduce?
4. What can you do to save the Earth?
5. Can you suggest an activity which you and your family will do for "Earth Day?"
When You Wish Upon A Star
From the movie 'Pinocchio'!! =D
Of course, other than wishing, you need to work hard and do your part as well.
May all your wishes come true! =D
When You Wish Upon A Star - Louis Armstrong
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
T2 W4 Journal Writing : International Friendship Day
For this year, the International Friendship Day focussed on friendship within ASEAN. Making friends among the countries of ASEAN is important as they are our closest neighbours. For this week, we will reflect on friendship among the people of ASEAN. To help you with your journal writing, I have listed some questions below:
1. Why do we celebrate International Friendship Day?
2. Do you know how International Friendship Day come about?
3. What does ASEAN stand for?
4. Do you know a lot about ASEAN? What is your knowledge about ASEAN?
Try this game at this website:

(Click on picture)
5. Do you like the activities organised by the school on International Friendship Day? If not, Why? If 'yes', why?
6. Do you have any friend/s in the ASEAN countries? Tell us how you get to know him/her.
7. What activities do you think the school should organise to help pupils develop friendship with the ASEAN countries?
I hope to read your reflection soon.
Monday, April 6, 2009
T2 W3 Journal Writing: Improving the School

Last week, Mrs Nam spoke about the loss of things during CCA in the school. She invited the CCA leaders to come up with suggestions to solve the problem. For this week, I would like everyone to think of ways of improving our school. This could be the improvement in physical facilities such as the field, toilets, classroom, canteen, library, art room, computer lab and other facilities or the people who provided services to you such as the office personnel, teachers, book shop lady, school bus drivers and even the cleaners. In short, you can think of any aspect of the school that needs to improve so that the lives of pupils will be better. To help you, I have listed some questions below:
1. Which aspect/s of the school do you like very much? Why?
2. Which aspect/s of the school do you think you dislike? Why?
3. What do you think can be done to improve it/them?
4. What other areas of the school should be improved?
5. How can pupils help in the improvement of the school?
These questions are just a guide to help you start writing. You are free to to give your own opinions and suggestions..I hope to read your suggestions.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
T2W2 Journal Writing : Healthy Eating

Hi Everyone,
We have to eat in order to have the energy to perform our daily tasks and to enjoy the many beautiful things in this world. However, do we really know what to eat so that we can be healthy? Many diseases are associated with unhealthy eating. Hence, it is important to know what to eat so that we will not be victims of such diseases. For this week's journal writing, I would like you to discuss and reflect on healthy eating. To help you, I have listed some questions below:
1. What do you have to eat in order to be healthy?
2. What are some of the unhealthy food adults and children like to eat?
3. Why is important to eat healthily?
4. What are some of the diseases associated with eating unhealthy food?
5. What are the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables?
6. Do you like to eat fruits and vegetables? Why?
7. Do you support the school's campaign in encouraging pupils to eat more fruits and vegetables? Why?
8. What activities can you suggest to encourage children to eat more vegetables and fruits?
As usual, I look forward to reading your reflection of healthy eating.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
T2W1 Journal Writing : Earth Hour
The holidays are over and now it is back to school again. Hope you had a restful time. For this week's journal writing, I would like you to reflect on a coming global event : Earth Hour. This year, Singapore is participating in this global effort. To learn more about this event, you can visit these websites:

Earth Hour Official Site (Click on picture)
To help you with the reflection, I have listed some questions below:
1. What is Earth Hour?
2. When is it held this year?
3. Why do you think people are organising this event?
4. What will everyone be doing during Earth Hour?
5. What other activities can you organise with your family and friends during Earth Hour?
6. What are the other problems the Earth is facing?
7. Could you think of some solutions to ONE of the problems which you have highlighted?
Wishing you a pleasant reflection. I hope to read your reflection soon.
Monday, March 9, 2009
T1W10 : Sports and School Sports Day

Hi Everyone,
The Sports Day is over. I hope you had an enjoyable time watching or participating in the sports. In our journal writing for this week, I would like you to reflect on our Sports Day and the meaning of sports in our lives. To help you with writing your reflection, I have listed some questions below:
1. Did you attend our School Sports Day? If so, how did you find it? If not, why did you not attend our school event?
2. What do you think is the most interesting part of the School Sports? Why?
3. What do you think is the most uninteresting part of the School Sports? Why?
4. How can the school improve on the School Sports Day?
5. Do you think engaging in sports is important and useful? If so, why? If not, why?
6. Do you engage in any sports? If so, what is it? If not, why have you not engage in it?
7. How can sports help us?
8. If you were the principal of the school, what would you do to encourage pupils to engage in sports?
Well, there is a lot for you to reflect on. I am eagerly looking forward to reading your reflection.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Adding Fractions
** Denominators have to be the same before adding/subtracting.
** Equal signs have to be written neatly below each other. Do not write like Junior Cooper!
** OOPS! Don't make a mistake without an ERASER!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
T1W8 : Reading

Hi Everyone,
Every morning, we have silent reading. Pupils read a variety of books and magazines. Reading is a habit. The more you read, the more you want to read. In this week's journal writing, I would like you to reflect on the importance of reading and its influence on you. As usual, I will list some questions below to help you with the journal writing.
1. Why do you think the school gets the pupils to read every morning?
2. Do you like it? Why?
3. Do you like reading? Why?
4. What kinds of books do you like to read?
5. Do you think reading will help you with your school work? Why?
6. How can the school encourage pupils to read?
7. Could you recommend a book you really like to read? Write the author and tell us why you like to read his/her book?
For a start, Ms Guo would like to encourage you to read. I love to read when I have time. Do you? My favourite books are books about life, children books written by Roald Dahl & Lewis Carroll and many more! Tell me more about the books you read in your blog! =D
Thursday, February 19, 2009
T1W7: Activities Outside School

Hi Everyone,
Many pupils are involved in lessons outside school. They include tuition, music, art, ballet, swimming, religious lessons and so on. There are just too many activities for me to list them.
For this week's journal writing, I would like you to reflect on your involvement in all the activities outside school.
To help you with your writing, I have listed some questions below:
1. What are the activities you are involved in outside school from Monday to Sunday?
2. How many days do you spend on these activities in one week?
3. How many hours do you spend in each of these activities?
4. Why are you involved in these activities?
5. Do you think these activities are necessary for you? If 'Yes', how have these activities help you? If 'No', why are you taking part in these activities?
6. Do you think these activities affect your school work/studies? If so, how?
7. Do you feel stressed with all these activities? Explain.
8. In your opinion, do you think pupils should be involved in outside school activities? Why?
Do let me know of your opinion on this. Hope to read your blog journal soon! =)
Monday, February 9, 2009
T1W6 : Passion for Learning
Following last week's topic on 'target setting, we will reflect on passion for learning this week. Since this is the value for the month of February, I hope this journal writing will enable you to give this value some thought. To assist you in writing your reflection, I have listed some questions for you to ponder:
1. What do you understand by 'passion for learning' ?
2. Why do you think it is necessary for people to have a passion for learning?
3. Do you know of any family members, famous people, relatives or friends with a passion for learning?
4. How do they show their passion for learning?
5. Do you think you have a passion for learning now? If 'Yes', why? If 'No', why?
6. What can you do to develop your passion for learning?
Hope you will start writing soon.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
T1W5 Journal Writing: Target Setting

Hi Everyone,
We have set our targets for the various subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science and Mother Tongue. For this week, I would like you to reflect on this exercise. As usual, I will list some questions to help you with the reflection.
1. What is the purpose of setting targets for the various subjects?
2. Do you think this is useful? If 'Yes', why? If not, why?
3. How did you go about setting the targets for yourself?
4. What are you doing to help you achieve your target? Do you have a plan? If so, what is it?
5. How are your parents helping you achieve your targets?
6. What will you do to motivate yourself towards achieving the targets?
7. What do you think your teacher/the school can help you achieve the targets?
Waiting anxiously to read your response.
Ms Guo
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
T1W4 Journal Writing : Festivals
Hi Everyone,
We are now celebrating Chinese New Year. This is one of the many festivals celebrated by the Chinese. The Malays, Indians and other races also celebrate their own festivals. For this week, I would like you to reflect on the meaning of these festivals and how we can preserve racial harmony in Singapore.
To help you with your reflection, I have listed some questions/pointers below:
1. Tell us about the festival you celebrate.
2. Why do you celebrate this festival?
3. How do you celebrate the festival?
4. Do you know what are the festivals celebrated by the other races? If so, could you name a few? Also tell us who celebrate them and why they celebrate them.
5. Do you think the celebration of the various festivals help in strengthening racial harmony among the various race in Singapore? If so, how?
6. In your opinion, how can we develop stronger bonds among the various races in Singapore?
Looking forward to reading your reflection soon.
Ms Guo
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Total Defence 2009
Our school will be holding an intra-blogging competition for P3-P6 in conjunction with Total Defence Day 2009. This year's theme is "What will you defend?"

*Click on picture above for more information*
In commemorating 25 years of Total Defence, the logo has been given a tweak to stay in tune with a more modern feel while retaining its familiar identity.
The tagline "It's Personal. Play your Part." is in a handwritten font that emphasises the personal nature of our involvement in Total Defence, reminding
Singaporeans that everyone has a role in protecting the Singaporean way of life. The rounder edges of the logo give it a softer touch, reflecting the personal stake in
Total Defence and encouraging Singaporeans to embrace Total Defence in their daily lives.
So, What will YOU defend?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Netiquette Rules
Rules to become a responsible Netizen and to protect yourself on the internet.
• Do unto others, as you'd have others do unto you.
Be polite and courteous at all times. Remember that you're not communicating with a computer screen, but with a human being with thoughts and feelings just like you. So before you fly off the handle, or send a rude or offensive message, think about the person on the receiving end.
If you need to emphasise a word, use asterisks, like *this* or lines, like _this_.
Be aware that the biggest problem with the Internet is that the written word is not easy to interpret. When you speak something, people can hear the tone of your voice. If they can see you, they can take visual clues from your face and body to see if you intend humour or if you are trying to soften what sounds like a harsh sentence. All of this is lost in text, and sometimes responses can come across as mean or rude, even when the writer did not intend them this way. This is the reason some people use emoticons (visual clues) in their e-mails, it saves a lot of confusion.
• Be careful not to use rude or bad language online.
Many providers will terminate your account. Respect the privacy of others.
• Make a good impression. Remember that the written word is the only way you can represent yourself online, so spelling and grammar count. If your are going to be writing a large amount of text for other people to see, make sure you break it up using paragraphs, it will make it easier on the eye for those that will read it.
*Very Important Note!*
There may be many bad influences from the internet. As long as we stay clear of them and do not purposely use those languages/images for bad purposes, we are safe. Remember, we are all nice people. We do not want to be 'bad' people by supporting the bad influences from the internet.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Hello Students of 4.2~
Welcome to a new year, a new class and a new blog!
Let us work towards reaching for the rainbow high up in the sky. If we strive for excellence everyday, we will be able to reach our colourful goals! Remember we work bit by bit, inch by inch. We do not want to jump high up in the sky, only to fall straight down later. We want to work our way up and keep it there. To achieve that, we need to keep working hard and keep putting our best efforts in our behaviour and attitude towards learning.
4.2, let's reach for the beautiful rainbow together! =)